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Ask me about genwa gaa ezhi-zhitaatowaad gaantaagitowaad Anishinaabeg

Got your attention? I hope so.

The phrase you see above are the Ojibwe translation of, “Ask me about what the Anishinaabe prepared when they harvested.”

In October the Roadhouse is hosting four U of M professors for a very special look at Native American dishes of the Anishinaabe, or Native Peoples of the Michigan Territory. They will talk about their connections to Native American culture, speak about native foods, and bring the language to life through readings and even a language lesson! I interviewed Native American Studies Professor Margaret Noori and her colleagues Michael Witgen, Howard Kimewon and Philip Deloria to find out what brings each of them to our table in October. See Margaret’s answers below:

ROADHOUSE What is your personal connection to Native American culture?

M. NOORI I am of mixed American ancestry including – Irish, Scots, German, Anishinaabe (MN Chippewa) and Metis

ROADHOUSE What area of Native American history/culture are you most passionate about? Why?

M. NOORI Because my ancestors used the Anishinaabe language, and because this is the place I know, I write, teach and conduct research in this area. Most importantly, I am working to raise one more generation of speakers and to provide resources for teachers of Anishinaabemowin and a critical literary presence for modern Anishinaabemowin texts.

ROADHOUSE What makes this upcoming dinner a special event for you?

M. NOORI I love to see native culture represented as a part of modern American life. It’s nice to see Indians in the Roadhouse. I especially love that Zingerman’s is willing to include Anishinaabemowin and invite detailed extemporaneous discussions rather than reduce native culture to stereotypes and small slices of history.

Find out more about the dinner and the menu, then make reservations.

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