Private Dinner Event at Zingerman’s Roadhouse
Meet and dine with Sepp Holzer, Austria’s renowned “Rebel Farmer”
Sepp Holzer has pioneered ecological farming and permaculture throughout the world. He is
known as the “rebel farmer” because he persisted in these practices despite being fined and even
threatened with prison.
Sepp’s newest book “Desert or Paradise” outlines strategies for restoring damaged ecosystems with biodiversity, organic food production, water conservation, and drought protection.
Enjoy a delicious full course meal created by Zingerman’s Roadhouse chef Alex Young.
Watch a short movie highlighting Sepp’s inspirational methods, then ask Sepp your best questions during the lecture Q&A.
Join us for an unforgettable night of locally sourced, gourmet cuisine with the Rebel Farmer!
Purchase tickets and learn more about the event here